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last update Saturday, 17-Jul-2021 07:20:53 PDT


McLean Research Associates is dedicated to presenting little known facts about the US Navy in the Civil War, presentations on a myriad of astronomical topics,STEM workshops, and letterboxing.

In commemoration of the 160 years since the Civil War - or more appropriately in the vernacular of the day - The War of the Slaveholders' Rebellion - we are featuring a quote and picture of the day from the Naval Records

Period Picture
Tinclad number 8 - so called because their armor would not stop anything larger than a bullet.
Thu Sep 08 1864

Alfred Taylor, Boston Navy yard writes SECNAV "I have the honor to state that the U. S. S. Saco sailed from this yard this day at half past 10 o'clock a. m."

SECNAV telegrams RADM S H Stringham, Boston Navy Yard "Steamer Franconia, of Boston, is reported having been chased off Cape Sable. Send Massasoit in that direction and order her to touch at Halifax for information."

CAPT Cicero Price, USS Jamestown writes SECNAV "I have the honor to inform the Department that the treaty powers, anticipating the nonfulfillment of the Paris treaty, whereby the Tycoons Government was to open the Strait of Shimonosêki within three months, demanded of him a categorical answer in anticipation of the three months allowed for carrying it into effect.
    The Tycoon refused to be governed by the treaty, and it is said has punished the commissioners for transcending their authority.
    Whereupon the expedition representing the treaty powers, and which was enumerated in my letter to the Department (No. 29) of the 23d of August last, promptly left this place for the strait on the 28th and 29th ultimo, together with the steamer Ta-Kiang, rechartered for the purpose, of which an account was given also in my communication No. 29.
    Enclosed is a copy of the instructions given to Ensign [Lieutenant] Pearson. Intelligence from the expedition, it is expected, will reach here in a week from this time."

M M Jackson, US Consul Halifax, telegrams SECSTATE "British blockade-running steamers Helen and Owl, which left, as reported, some days ago for Wilmington, are expected to return here as soon as they can take in cargo, heavily laden with cotton. Helen took pilot from here to pilot her back along the coast into this harbor."

RADM Jonathan Dahlgren, South Atlantic Blockading Squadron writes LT Sampson, USS Dai Ching, "I have just been informed (2 p. m.) that the Water Witch and another vessel will attempt to escape from Ossabaw. In the absence of a more suitable vessel, I wish you to repair to Ossabaw and assist the Flag in stopping and capturing these vessels, her draft not being very convenient in that channel."

MGEN S A Hurlbut, USA, writes CAPT Percival Drayton, Fleet Captain, West Gulf Blockading Squadron, from the steamer Laura, "Your personal attendance as a witness is requested before the council of war on this boat."

CAPT A M Pennock, Fleet Captain, Mississippi Squadron, writes RADM David D Porter, Mississippi Squadron, "I have the honor to enclose herewith a communication from Lieutenant-Commander Selfridge. The coal he speaks of has been sent to him.
    Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Flye having recovered his health, took command of the Benton, and Captain Selfridge ordered Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Hill to take the command of the Forest Rose upon the return of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Gould. I ordered him to the Forest Rose, and ordered Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Hill to command the Tyler, as I thought his services were needed in the White River district."

Teachers and Educators - we have several Civil War presentations covering the US Navy throughout the Civil War which include our portable museum, Submarines, and key naval and land battles. Check out our Civil War section for more details. We also have several presentations on astronomy for all age groups

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