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last update Saturday, 17-Jul-2021 07:20:53 PDT


McLean Research Associates is dedicated to presenting little known facts about the US Navy in the Civil War, presentations on a myriad of astronomical topics,STEM workshops, and letterboxing.

In commemoration of the 160 years since the Civil War - or more appropriately in the vernacular of the day - The War of the Slaveholders' Rebellion - we are featuring a quote and picture of the day from the Naval Records

Period Picture
5th LT John Lowe, CSN
Sat Oct 15 1864

ASSIST SECNAV telegrams RADM David D Porter, North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, "Pickering is ordered to command the Wabash. Perhaps Smith will be taken for the Vanderbilt, which goes to you in five days. Every seaman and ordinary seamen in every port north will be sent to you, but they are very scarce. Saco, Lieutenant-Commander J. G. Walker, has sailed from Boston. Dictator goes next week. Bridge promises the provisions. If there is delay, the iron bottom monitors ought to go up into fresh water. They did not report their trial of speed."

SECNAV writes, RADM C K Strbling, East Gulf Blockading Squadron, "The U. S. S. Isonomia was sent to the East Gulf Blockading Squadron with the especial view and instructions to cruise in the vicinity of Nassau and the Bahama Banks. I have just received a dispatch from Captain Greene, temporarily in command of the squadron, in which he says that, in consequence of a report from her commanding officer that she was unfit for sea service, and her incapacity to carry much coal, he assigned her to blockade duty at West Pass.
    This action is disapproved. The Isonomia is very fast, and amongst the Bahamas can easily find shelter. Coal could be easily sent to her, or a vessel loaded with coal might accompany her. The vicinity of Nassau is a great center for blockade runners, and the Isonomia was assigned to the East Gulf Blockading Squadron for the especial purpose of making an effort to capture some of them. Order her on this duty, and if a trial should be unsuccessful she can be withdrawn from it."

RADM Stribling writes CDR J P Sanford, USS Neptune, "You will proceed with the Neptune without delay to Philadelphia for repairs.
    Report to the commandant upon your arrival and to the Secretary of the Navy by letter.
    I would recommend you on your passage to keep inshore, so as to reach a port in case the leak should make it necessary to do so.
    After the repairs of the vessel are completed you will return to this station, unless ordered to the contrary by the Department."

Teachers and Educators - we have several Civil War presentations covering the US Navy throughout the Civil War which include our portable museum, Submarines, and key naval and land battles. Check out our Civil War section for more details. We also have several presentations on astronomy for all age groups

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