Sun Jan 22 1865 LCDR Francis H Baker, USS Vicksburg, writes SECNAV "The officers and crew of this vessel claim to be entitled to share in the proceeds of the prize steamer Charlotte and her cargo, captured on the morning of the 20th day of January instant, and base such claim on the following ground, viz: On the 18th day of January, 1865, an armed force, consisting of 4 of the officers and 34 of the crew of this vessel, was sent in her boats to Fort Caswell, at the entrance to Cape Fear River, and also to the town of Smithville, situated near the mouth of that river. They were armed with Enfield rifles, supplied with forty rounds of ammunition each, and provided with three days rations. They were ordered to report to Lieutenant William B. Cushing and perform any and all duties that might devolve on them, and were cautioned to look out for blockade runners. Picket boats were nightly sent out from Smithville with lights, such as were used by the enemy as signal lights to runners, which boats were partly manned by the crew of this vessel; and from their efforts the above named steamer Charlotte was decoyed in over the bar and came to anchor off Smithville, where she was captured, the force from this vessel being at the time within signal distance. The following officers were sent in charge of the boats, viz: Acting Ensigns William H. Otis and R. B Elder Acting Assistant Paymaster T. E. Smith, and Third Assistant , Engineer A. F. Nagle. "
CAPT thornton A Jenkins, 1st Division, West Gulf Blockading Squadron, writes a general order "This paper may certify that the papers found on board the schooner Frutiere, V. Fauria, master, permitting him to go to Pascagoula for lumber for the Government, have been taken from him by me and will be sent to the commander in chief of the Western Gulf Squad- ron, No. 148 Canal street, New Orleans. All navy officers within the limits of my command are hereby directed to prevent any trading with this vessel in the passage from this place to Lakeport, and all military commandants of ports are requested to do the same. This vessel is hereby forbidden to stop at any port or place between this anchorage and Lakeport, except on account of stress of weather, and is strictly forbidden to communicate or trade with any person on his passage to Lakeport. This paper is to be shown to all officers fallen in with. Any unnecessary delay in returning to Lakeport with the Frutiere and her crew and cargo and reporting at the naval headquarters with this paper, if discovered, will subject the vessel and cargo to seizure by any officer or vessel under my command."
RADM Samuel P Lee, Mississippi Squadron, telegrams CO tug Thistle, from Mound City "Come here immediately, meeting Tensas and transferring orders on the way."